Thursday, January 29, 2009

It always comes down to money

One thing I really hate about some sports is that it comes down to money! I know equipment doesn't make you faster or better, but it sure doesn't hurt either. If you have the right equipment and know how to use it it sure make things a lot more efficient in your training! Example, a piece of equipment I have wanted forever, a Powertap by Cycleops, it's just so damn expensive. I know getting one doesn't instantly make me a better racer or all the sudden faster, but what it does do is make what little training time I have that much more efficient. Same with time trial equipment. A lot of people have dedicated bikes for doing time trials, I don't even have aero bars, lol!

So it is making me rethink the whole racing scene. I mean I really love the excitement of taking corner at 30mph with 50 other guys around me, but the cost is getting ridiculous. The team kits, dues, license, race fee, tires, tubes, nutrition, and up keep is about to put me into bankruptcy. I keep putting money away, but dang its never enough. Maybe I should take up watching grass grow, that can't be that expensive.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Finally Over

So things were on track and I was feeling great with my training. I had cut out sweets completely, been on the trainer consistently and overall feeling really good about my progress.

Then, starting last Tuesday it hit me hard...stomach cramps and nausea! It was all pain from there on. I ended up missing 3 days or work (that is going to hurt the paycheck), a trip to the ER in which I got some meds for pain and my nausea, a CT with and without contrast dye, and a wonderful IV with a liter of fluid. I was told it was viral and to get seen if it does not get better...guess what, it didn't! So I was honored to go and sit in urgent care for 3 1/2 hours while they ran every test again...only to tell me they think it’s my gallbladder. My symptoms don't exactly fit but ok. After having continued abdominal pain and being constantly nauseated, yesterday I started to feel semi-human again. I didn't have to take pain pills till after diner, a real plus.

Now today...I feed great! Some abdominal pain here and there, no nausea, and I don't feel so run down. All in all it’s been a huge set back in my training, but I am trying to look at it from a positive point of view. I don't eat anywhere what I use to, so my weight should continue to come off, and it has let my legs rest a bit...other than that it’s still a downer.

So today I get on the bike, nothing hard, just some easy spinning on the indoor trainer...yippee I cannot wait!