Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Where no man should ever go!

So, where to begin I guess all my stomach problems really never have cleared up. Scans and numerous doctors later I am still wondering what is going on. I have periods of feeling good, followed up by periods of horrible abdominal pain, sort of like being kicked in the stomach! The nausea is OK, have meds that seem to help with that end of it. The good news is that I am now finally seeing a specialist! I saw a GI doctor on Monday of this week, and already I have a colonoscopy scheduled for the same Thursday, yippee! Not real thrilled about the procedure, but who would be? I guess I am happy that I might start to have answers, and the procedure will tell us a lot of information quickly. While looking where no person should look, they will also take some biopsies to help rule out things.

Some of the possible diagnoses are benign; just a pain in the ass (Ha Ha). Others scare me to death, of which include cancer and Crohn's disease! So as of now all cycling for performance is put on hold. Hell, I can barley afford to live little lone try and afford racing this year. I did go for a very short 10 mile ride about 10 days ago, man did it feel great, but I was beat. Instead I have been doing some easy walking to help rebuild up some endurance and try to get back some of my life.

This whole process has been like living in a prison. I don't dare try to go out and do anything for fear that I will end up in pain again. I also don't dare eat anything normal, for fear of the same results. So I stick to simple, boring foods and a very sedentary life, something I am not enjoying much. Just to be outside, even in the rain is a treat! I have worked very little, cause of the painful cramping in my stomach is so bad at times I cannot get out of bed. Overall right now I feel pretty good. The cramps are not as intense, and don't come on as bad. I have a 2 day stretch of 12 hour nights this Friday and Saturday; and I am praying I get through them without a problem.

I just found out today that my paperwork for my absences needs updating. I'm hoping that is about all it needs and this will be the last time I will have to do this. The thing that sucks it getting the doctors to sign the paperwork and get it back in time to the HR dept, otherwise I have a wonderful risk of losing me job!

I have to say I am thankful for my director at work! She has been so supportive through the whole process, I just cannot thank her enough! Finally I want to thank my wife for her continued support, my family, friends and everyone at church who has kept me in their prayers. Without all of them I would have given up a long time ago!


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