So, the colonoscopy went well. They took lots of biopsies, but the meat of the story is that it looks like I have a pretty bad infections that is finally on the way out. There were multiple sections that had areas that showed the ends signs of infection. The problem would have been the infections would cause the bowel walls to swell, thicken and narrow. This would then cause pain every time something passed through, pain, pain and more pain along with nausea! So it looks like we found an answer, and I may never know what kind of infection if was. I'm just happy to know that there was actually something wrong that was causing all this pain and trouble. It's just scary that with all the test I had done, nothing pointed to the infection, and the fact that it had been going on for over 2 months!
So whats up next? Going to get back into the swing of things; work lots of hours, start exercising again and build up my endurance, loose some more weight, and just enjoy spending time outside!
This whole thing has been horrible, and I am hoping that it is all behind me now. While today I still have a little discomfort in my abdomen it's nothing compared to what it had been.
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