Good-Bye Maggie
So over the weekend tragedy hit the house. My 13 year old Border Collie-Aussie Sheppard mix, Maggie, passed away. While we knew she had arthritis and it was bothering her some this came as a large surprise. At about 0400 Saturday morning my wife heard a thud in the hall way and called me out of be. When I came to her she was laying with her front and back legs sprawled out and head leaning on the wall. She was not real responsive. I picked her up and moved her next to my bed to keep a close eye on her and bestow her all the love I could. Her breathing was beginning to become labored and she was not moving anything. What was frustrating was that I had to get ready for work about the same time. So I prayed that she would make it through my shower but would go before I had to leave for work. After my shower her breathing became almost aginal, so I made sure to get the girls up to say good-bye to their friend. We gave her all the love and attention that she deserved in her final moments with us, passing away shortly after the girls came in.
What makes all this even harder is that earlier this year we had to put down our 18 year old Springer Spaniel. So loosing 2 long time friends in the same year really sucks! The up side is that this spring we got a Golden Retriever...a wonderful little girl! She really brought out the puppy in Maggie, getting her to play chase around the yard, wanting to go for walks again and just getting her moving again.
Maggie was a wonderful companion through the 13 years. She was there with me in Duluth, Mn when I would go for runs. She was wonderful with my girls, allowing them to dress her up in play clothes. And she was always there when thing seemed at their worst, coming up to you and putting her head on your lap to show some love. I will miss her greatly, but am glad she is in a wonderful place.
Good-bye Maggie, I love you very much and will miss you greatly!!!