Sunday, June 04, 2006

What a Week

Wow, this week has been a trying one! Life around the house has not been an easy one. Due to some financial issues power got shut off even though we had made arrangements for payments. So 2 1/2 day without electricity...No cooking, no hot showers, no lights, no computer! So survival was more of the concern then riding. The girls thought it was pretty cool, but mom and dad did not. I guess it could have gone worse, so I did not get to ride for 3 days. I made up for it on the days I have ridden though.

Monday I went on a long ride, originally heading to Belleville. After getting hit with a huge t-storm I headed toward Paoli, then Verona, followed by Mt. Horeb, back to Verona and to Madison. It was great, except I did not have enough food (1 gel does not cut it) and Bonked about 12 miles outside of Madison. The rest of the ride was great, good speed and the legs felt great.

Friday I rode with Jason Braucht, a friend of mine who rides casually. I love riding with him because I can chat the whole way about everything in the world. If I need to make my legs scream I just shift to a harder gear and go with a slow cadence to feel the burn. We ended up just meandering around, no real direction.

Saturday I went out late in the afternoon, looking to get about 40 miles in. After about 10 miles I decided to head out to Belleville again to see what happens. It was great, flying down the road at a great pace. The road signs were not well marked and my cue sheet was a little smudged, so it was an interesting ride. I loved the coarse, rolling hills with some steep climbs. In the end it was about 52 miles and I was happy with the pace I was able to keep. I really need to keep up with the longer rides on the weekends when I am not racing.

I am hoping that next weekend I can do the road race and TT. I love the TT format! No aero bars and no disks wheels! Seeing that I have neither it's perfect for me.


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